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Email sql-plus output as csv from Linux

This script can be used for sending sql output via email in CSV format as attachment. #!/bin/ksh # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script Name : # Author : Hans Schoonen # Version : 1.0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetEnv() { NLS_LANG=American_America.UTF8 ; export NLS_LANG ORACLE_HOME=[YOUR ORACLE HOME DIR] ; export ORACLE_HOME BinDir=$ORACLE_HOME/bin ; export BinDir } GetData() { rm /usr/test/test.csv touch /usr/test/test.csv $BinDir/sqlplus -s apps/$pswd <<EOF spool /usr/test/test.csv; set serveroutput on size 1000000; set verify off; set wrap on; set colsep ,; set pagesize 1000; set trimspool on; set headsep off; set linesize 9999; @/usr/test/test.sql; spool off; exit EOF } MaillData() { cat /usr/test/test.csv | uuencode test.csv | mail -s "Report ICT-OKE Data" } SetEnv GetData MailData exit  

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